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Committees and councils

Joint Consultation and Occupational Health and Safety Committee (FSA)

The Joint Consultation and Occupational Health and Safety Committee (FSA) is responsible for ensuring good cooperation and a good working environment in AAU Shared Services within the framework set by the Main Joint Consultation Committe (HSU) and the Main Occupational Health and Safety Committee (HAMiU).

Committees and councils

Joint Consultation and Occupational Health and Safety Committee (FSA)

The Joint Consultation and Occupational Health and Safety Committee (FSA) is responsible for ensuring good cooperation and a good working environment in AAU Shared Services within the framework set by the Main Joint Consultation Committe (HSU) and the Main Occupational Health and Safety Committee (HAMiU).


Secretary Stine V. Holmstrøm
Tel. 99 40 38 80
Mail: sve@adm.aau.dk