Templates and guides

Templates and guides

- Workplace assesment (APV) (in Danish)
- Maternity leave
- Employment forms
- Holiday
- Term of notice
- Competence development (in Danish)
- Job vacancies
- Salary/Pay
- Staff performance and development review (MUS) (in Danish)
- Staff Policy
- Statens HR - absence module and holiday registration
- Union representatives (in Danish)
- AAUCard
- Accommodation for guest lecturers
- Facility support / Service offices
- Reporting problems in buildings - Find your way around AAU (MapsIndoors AAU or download the app "AAU Map")
- Catering for meetings and receptions
- Jespers Torvekøkken
- Foodhub (Aalborg) (in Danish) - Rooms and catering for part-time educational events (AUB) (in Danish)
- Room reservation for secretaries
- Use of rooms outside working hours (in Danish)
- Planning meetings, conferences and events (AAU CPH)
- Canteens for staff
- Jespers Torvekøkken
- Foodhub (Aalborg) (in Danish)
Administrative contact for AAU canteens:
Campus Service, Mary Christensen, mch@adm.aau.dk, tel.: 99409542 - Cleaning services
- AAU image bank (Skyfish) (in Danish)
- Colourbox image bank (in Danish)
- Design guide (in Danish)
- General AAU PowerPoint presentations (in Danish)
- Communication tools (in Danish)
- Logo (in Danish)
- AAU Translate (Danish-English machine translation tool)
- AAU Dictionary (AAU's Danish-English educational terminology database)
- Press contacts